Justin.Paul.Mayfield@FuckedUpHuman.txt Justin is a thief of digital device technology. At Least for one event that occurred on June 12th 2015. Justin steals the phone of James from the location now known as Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom at 1005 Washington Street Denver Colorado. . These are facts on record within an email conversation thread of only possible events to transpire after Justin visits as James was alone before and after Justin's visit for an extended period of time and never left his residence prior to the discovery of the missing device. This is carried in an email source connection from replying to a CraigsLiist posting. Anyone concerned involving Justin, please be aware of this truth history of the person by the name of Justin Paul Mayfield using the above images. He also has a local Denver Facebook page. Reports of other bad deeds Justin is more than just believed to have been up to, but have correlating supplemental / collaborating documentations such as I have described here can place to the record by directing an email which contains the overview of events and the real name and identity of the targeted victim(s) that must be able to verified with [ TruthFinder ] or other such background searching services. Submissions of reports as anonymous / non verifiable identify sources are NOT ACCEPTED -- No Exceptions. The way this works is... if your report is accurate, you have nothing to fear from this disclosure process. If your report is inaccurate to the degree to be classified and intentionally deception / false record presentation, your name ID will be subject to REPRIMANDING in of negative inverse onto itself. This trust integrity balancing scale is not full-proof -- but for more idealistic concerns, No reasonable person would risk such a possibility to purposefully or intentionally deceive this structured truth integrity system as this carries possible long term listing on public memespace @muckeduphuman listing of real name identities, much too risky for most to even challenge. This will be the result at frst time false record submission if you attempt it! Don't test your luck.... it again will not be worth it, if what you submit to represent the truth is absolutely proven false. No Court Authority is needed in this process, it kind of auto-evaluates itself to the integrity of a system designed in memetically active word named phrasing constructs that are extreme emotionally representing to the binding of informational theory constructed under them and contained within their memespace mediums. More info can be found at the public memespace REPRIMAND FOLDER for the named person in this report: http://fuckeduphuman.net/[Persons]/Justin.Paul.Mayfield/ In order for JUSTIN to make amends for this deed to have these PUBLIC REPRIMANDS on file to have the contents removed from the public web, JUSTIN must return what is monetary loss damages to the owner of the phone, James $100 which is less than true full damages in whole from these events. This covers the Veriizon Mobile Services Plan 3rd Party insurance lost phone replacement deductible costs that were paid for by owner of this property to obtain replacement phone to return to same function basis of working mobile device functionality in his lifestyle and space. Note: This Report does not have to be 100% legal formatted and termed definition standards in this written form to be valid. This report may minor mistakes of spelling, grammar or other such style nonstandard or atypical constructs but in the "good faith" essence delivers a "plain unvarnished tale" is valid and accepted by this submission process. So proceed in your way to describe what happened. Any need of clarity of submitted statements will be requested back if needed. The goal is that an artificial intelligence will be handling such intensive transitiveness processing.